Norbert Ago

I'm a


Experienced Software Developer with a demonstrated history of working in the various companies. Skilled in .Net Technologies - .Net Core,, C#, MVC. Scripting - VueJs, Angular Js, JavaScript, API Building - Web API, Cloud Technologies - Azure and Amazon.

Norbert Ago

Web Developer

Jixaw Technologies, Vancouver, Canada

  • Website:
  • Phone: +431 *** ****
  • City: Winnipeg, Manitoba
  • Email: Send feedback @ contacts page!

"Norbert is another brilliant mind in the world of web development. With 10 years of experience and a keen eye for analyzing and maintaining software applications, Norbert brings a unique perspective to our team. His attention to detail and passion for creating user-friendly web experiences will be an asset to our clients and our team." - Jixaw Technologies, Vancouver, CA


We can work together! Hire me.

Norbert Ago

  • Full-Stack Web Development Solutions
  • Web Portal Development
  • Ecommerce Development Solutions
  • CMS Building and Integration

Web Developer

Jixaw Technologies, Vancouver, Canada

"Norbert is another brilliant mind in the world of web development. With 10 years of experience and a keen eye for analyzing and maintaining software applications, Norbert brings a unique perspective to our team. His attention to detail and passion for creating user-friendly web experiences will be an asset to our clients and our team." - Jixaw Technologies, Vancouver, CA



